Family Locator LLC
Family Locator became part of Family Locator LLC
Last month we were immersed in the transition of Sygic Family Locator to a separate company called Family Locator LLC, with a dedicated team of family protection enthusiasts and developers. We believe that the new team will be capable of introducing the Family Locator app to a new era. The focus will be on the improvement of the current features and also working on further innovations. This change will not influence the functionality and service of the Family Locator app.
We have selected the most important questions, which will help you understand this change.
Transition to new company Lamily Locator LLC - what does it mean for me?
Change of service provider has mainly a technical aspect of a new development team and company providing the service of Family Locator. Directly in the application, you will see an information screen about the change. You only have to accept the change of service provider, and then you can continue using the app. The functionality of the app stays the same, and you can keep using all the features.
How will this change this affect the features?
The features of the application will remain the same.
What happens with my Premium license?
Your Premium license will still be valid, and you can continue using Premium features. If you have purchased a time-limited license, you can use it until the end of validation day and then you can renew your license.